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Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury

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Assistant Professor

Dept. of Industrial and Systems Enterprise Engineering 

Dept. of Computer Science (Affiliate)

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)

I am an Assistant Professor of Operations Research in the department of Industrial and Systems Enterprise Engineering at UIUC, with a simultaneous affiliation in the department of Computer Science. Prior to my current appointment, I was a Future Faculty Fellow Postdoctoral Scholar at the department of Computer Science at UIUC.

I did my doctoral studies at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, where I was fortunate to be supervised by Kurt Mehlhorn and Karl Bringmann. Here is my full C.V.

I am broadly interested in topics at the intersection of economics and computation, social choice theory, and machine learning. I have worked extensively on resolving open problems on fairness in resource allocation and task distribution, algorithmically.  My work also transfers  age old techniques from social choice theory and general equilibrium theory to relevant settings in machine learning like federated learning.

I also pursue computational geometry and fine grained complexity theory as my secondary research interests.


Open Positions: I am looking for motivated PhD students. Students interested in theoretical computer science, economics and computation, and economics of machine learning are encouraged to get in touch via email. See the links below for more information:

This year, I am  serving as a  PC  member of FOCS, EC, and ESA. Next year, I am on the PC of SODA 

Placed on the List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by Their Students in Fall 2022

I would be speaking at the Chicago Junior Theorists Workshop 2023. (January 5th-6th)

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